Evidence of Cannabis Synergism in Treating Cancer

Monday, 31 December 2018

“In a recent study, yet another standard treatment for cancer has been potentiated by cannabinoid agonists. Thisisthethirdchemotherapymedication I am aware of, where cannabinoid enhances the effects. Oncologists, who already know the benefit of cannabis for chemo side effects, need to continue to explore the potential to actually treat cancer.”
-          Dr. David Hepburn

Osteosarcoma is the most common primary malignant tumor of bone in children and adolescents. Bortezomib (BTZ) is an approved anticancer drug, classified as a selective reversible inhibitor of the ubiquitin-dependent proteasome system, that leads to cancer cell cycle arrest and apoptosis reducing the invasion ability of Osteosarcoma cells in vitro.

Recently BTZ has been evaluated in combination with Cannabinoids targeting CB1 receptor, demonstrating a promising synergic effect.

Read full article here:

Dr. Dave Hepburn website: https://doctordavidhepburn.com

THC Weakens Brain Connections Responsible for Pain

Friday, 28 December 2018

“In a fascinating study on humans, THC appears to disconnect areas of the brain responsible for feeling pain. It acts as a cognitive-emotional modulator.  Less pain and less unpleasantness associated with the pain. Very exciting research.”

-   Dr. David Hepburn

THC significantly reduced patients’ pain compared to placebo. THC-induced analgesia was correlated with a reduction in functional connectivity between the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and the sensorimotor cortex.

Moreover, the degree of reduction was predictive of the response to THC.

Graph Theory Analysis of local measures demonstrated a reduction in network connectivity in areas involved in pain processing, and specifically in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), which were correlated with individual pain reduction.

Read full article here:

Dr. Dave Hepburn website: https://doctordavidhepburn.com

Muscular Dystrophy and Cannabinoid Receptors

Thursday, 27 December 2018

“As the dysfunction of the endocannabinoid system becomes implicated in more diseases including migraine, irritable bowel, fibromyalgia, epilepsy, and even menstrual cramps now add muscular dystrophy as a potential area of interest for endocannabinoids. Jerry Lewis should be smiling.”
-          Dr. David Hepburn

The endocannabinoid system refers to a widespread signaling system and its alterations implicated in a growing number of human diseases. However, the potential role of endocannabinoids in skeletal muscle is ordered the main sun is known.

In murine and human models, CB1 transcripts how the highest degree of expression at disease onset, and then decline over time. Similar changes are observed for PAX7, a key regulator of muscle stem cells. Bioinformatics and biochemical analysis revealed that PAX7 binds and upregulates the CB1 gene in dystrophic more than in healthy muscles.

Rimonabant, an antagonist of CB1, promotes human satellite cell differentiation in vitro, increases the number of regenerated myofibers, and prevents locomotor impairment in dystrophic mice. In conclusion, our study uncovers a PAX7–CB1 cross-talk potentially exacerbating DMD and highlights the role of CB1 receptors as target for potential therapies.

Read full article here:

Dr. David Hepburn website: https://doctordavidhepburn.com

US Government Funds Research on CBG, CBC, CBN and terpenes - Dr. David Hepburn

Thursday, 20 December 2018

“Thepowerful NIH isfunding non clinicalresearchonminorcannabinoids and severalterpenesincludingmy personal favourite, beta caryophyllene. Thegoalis to mitigatetheepidemic of chronicpainthatwillaccompanythe grey tsunami and to decreasetheloss of productivity and increasedcost ($2000 per person per year) associatedwithchronicpain.” -   Dr. David Hepburn

This Notice is being provided to allow potential applicants sufficient time to develop meaningful collaborations and responsive projects, as well as to give potential applicants sufficient time to determine whether they need to obtain investigator registration and site licensure from the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) ,if appropriate. For applications that include human use of any of the compounds, this Notice provides time to determine whether an Investigational New Drug (IND) application is needed, or if the FDA will provide a written waiver indicating that an IND is not needed for the proposed research. No awards will be made to the investigators in the absence of appropriate FDA/IND documentations for proposed human subject studies.

The FOA is expected to be published in Winter 2019 with an expected application due date in March 2019.

Read full notice here:

Dr. Dave Hepburn website: https://doctordavidhepburn.com

Cannabis Users Less Likely to Get Diabetes - Dr. David Hepburn

“A recentstudyfromCanadaindicatesthat cannabis usershave a significantlydecreasedrisk of having diabetes. Thisis no smalldiscoverygiventhat diabetes isone of thescourges of oursociety. Itwill be nothing short of fascinating to discoverhow cannabis can potentiallyprotectagainst diabetes. Staytuned.”-    Dr. David Hepburn 

A decreased likelihood of diabetes for cannabis users versus non-users was indicated after accounting for a range of potential con-founders, including mental health disorders. Before the protective effects of cannabis use for diabetes can be suggested, further epidemiological studies are needed that incorporate prospective designs, as well as feature innovative exposure measurements and statistical analyses.

Although there was a considerable attenuation in the magnitude of the odds ratios after adjustment for confounders, there was still a decreased likelihood of diabetes for cannabis users versus non-users.

Read full article here:

Dr. David Hepburn website: https://doctordavidhepburn.com

Cannabis for Crohn’s? - Dr. David Hepburn

“Cannabis isgetting more attentionfortheawfulconditions of Crohn's and Ulcerative Colitis. Inflammatoryboweldisease, not to be confusedwith Irritable BowelDisease (though cannabis appears to havesomeeffect in both) isnotanuncommonconditionthat can lead to drasticmeasures.”
       -  Dr. David Hepburn

Research from the University of Bath said the findings could help explain why some patients with inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) report medical marijuana can help their symptoms.
The researchers believe that, because cannabis use introduces cannabinoids into the body, these molecules could help relieve gut inflammation as the naturally produced endocannabinoids would.

Read full article here:

Dr. Dave Hepburn website: https://doctordavidhepburn.com

Vapeorsmoke? - Dr. David Hepburn

“Whichisstronger, vapingorsmoking? Doctorsneveradvocatesmokingforanyreason and prefervapingovercombustion as thesafestinhalationdeliverymechanism. Surprisingly, a new studyfromthe US indicatesthatvapingis more powerful.”
-  Dr. David Hepburn

In a smallstudy of infrequent cannabis users, researchers have shown that, compared with smoking cannabis, vaping it increased the rate of short-term anxiety, paranoia, memory loss and distractionwhen doses werethesame.

Vaping devices heat cannabis to a temperature in which the mind-altering compounds in the plant are released as a vapor that is inhaled. Vaping is thought to be safer for cannabis and tobacco use because it doesn't produce many of the harmful components of burning material such as tar and other cancer-causing agents.

Read full articlehere:

Dr. Dave Hepburn website: https://doctordavidhepburn.com
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